Thursday, March 24, 2011

My Own Life

   Growing up with a wonder woman for a mom, I think back at how she did it all.  I had cheerleading after school every day, and then went straight to dance for hours every night and Saturdays.  Ande had cheerleading and gymnastics, and Mark had karate.  Now, she worked and had supper on the table at the end of the evening.  What?  How did she do this?  Granted I remember fondly "breakfast for dinner" and grill cheese often, but to a kid those are the best meals ever!
    Now a days people sign their kids up for every social/sport they can and still work and have food on the table.  I watch my neighbor Janna, with three girls, pull out of the driveway about 2-3 times a night for this and that.  First, what happened to car pool? Second, her house makes me feel like my house is a dump at all times.  However, I applaud both Janna and her husband b/c their social calendar is also totally full with their best friends and wine/beer.  I like this idea.  I feel like we robbed my mom of some of the social activity because my dad was away a lot, so we only had her to depend on.
     I'm super fortunate to still have friends that want to hang out with me, even if I show up with throw up down my shirt, that I didn't know was there.  I think I look awesome b/c I actually put makeup on, but nope, can't get away from peas and carrots.  I had this thought while pregnant that my friends would dump me b/c of this little one.  I know what you're going to say, "They aren't true friends," and you would be right if they had done this.  However, they still like hanging out with me-go figure?
    Mike and I want a little brood, and I know my life will change more than it has now, but I want my own life still! I still have to talk to grown ups you know.  I see moms that have no lives of their own and that is not want I want out of my life.  I can just 24 years(holy crap that's a long time) when all the babies have left this house and Mike and I looking at each other saying, "NOW WHAT?"  I don't want that.  I want to have my cry-b/c I know I will, and move on with how I've lived my life from baby one-to grown up, out-of-the-house faze.  I don't want to miss a beat.  I do know that I will miss beats now and then, but how do we keep this balance without going insane and feeling stressed?  Don't forget that I'm going back to work when the kids are in school, so we have that piece of the puzzle too.
    I don't want to live just for my kids, hubby, or job-I want to have a wonderful life for me! How do others do this?  Any suggestions?

My first night out for a friends b-day.  Karaoke here we come.